Sunday, October 4, 2009

We got BOO'd!

This evening, EmmaLee and I went to turn on the halloween lights on the front porch and found a fun surprise on our doorstep! We had been BOO'd! A friendly "spook" had left a basket of halloween goodies for the kids with a pumpkin balloon attached! Emma just stood there with her mouth gaping open saying "OH WOW! Look Chockey! That's so sweet!"

Bryce clapped and clapped and they quickly dragged their present inside to try to tear it open. I read the enclosed poem to the kids, and now the deal is that we have to "BOO" 2 other families. I love festive family fun!

Even as I am typing this, Emma and Bryce are marching around in the background with their "BOO" bucket saying "Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat..." they couldn't be happier.

Halloween is officially underway at the Martone household.


  1. Kristi,

    i love your blog and all the cute things you put in it. Would love the poem that goes with getting Boo'd. The children are soooo cute!

    Love ya! Muriel Ames

  2. Awww....thanks! Boo'ing was a lot of fun! Documents are on their way to ya!


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