Friday, April 30, 2010

Abundant Blessings

As teachers, both Mike and I will forever more have to pay for continuing education classes to keep our certification current (which totally bites-but what can you do?). However, to make matters "even better"- lol-almost 2 years ago Mike decided he wanted to further his education and better his career path by earning his Principal/School Administration credentials. To Mike that means classes-to me, that means another bill. Errrr....So we have pinched our pennies, worked extra jobs, etc. in order to pay thousands of dollars every 3 months for this tuition. It has been quite challenging at times, but we've found a way to make things work every month. Most of all-we will be glad to not have a gigantic debt to pay at the end of the program. But....things are strapped pretty tight-and basically our savings account gets depleated every 3 months in order to pay this tuition-not a huge deal, it's a means to an end. That is- until something BIG and unexpected comes along. Which in these situations is pretty much ALWAYS inevitable right? lol
The big thing in this particular circumstance is my recent dental work. I sat down one day and worked out all different figures of how we could continue to pay our typical bills (mortgage, utilities, etc.), pay cash for the tuition, AND the new payments to the dentist.....cutting back on our cable options, lowering our cell phone plans, etc. we were able to come up with a comfortable monthly payment....until....this particular dentist required UPFRONT payment. Of all the dentists we've ever gone to-I've always been able to make monthly payments (like you can with hospital bills) without interest, until it was paid off and it's never been a problem. Go figure. So we stressed and stressed and the only option that we were left with was to open a "Dental Credit" account, with no interest for 6 months. I panic about these things because I HATE credit cards, etc. but-this was our only way to make it all work after insurance covered their portion. 6 months to pay it all off was our new plan-I didn't know HOW we were going to make that work, but if I had to get another job after Mike got home at night-that's what I was going to do. I had made calls to Gymboree in Yakima & was hoping something would present itself. If not-the worst of it was that we were going to have yucky interest to pay. (NOT that I am complaining, because I realize there are people who have it much worse than we do.)
On the day of my appointment, my in-laws took the day off work and came over to watch the kids while Mike & I were gone-keeping in mind Mike's mom was still recovering from a recent surgery herself-for that alone, I felt very blessed. Afterwards, I came home and didn't really know much of what was going on, let alone how I GOT home-lol. I woke up in bed a few hours later with Brinkley snuggled on my shoulder. I could hear my kids laughing and happy to be playing with Grandma & Papa-and once again I felt blessed. I had no concept of time at this point, but apparently Mike had gone to work an after-school sporting event, so his parents stayed longer to watch the kids in his absence since I was still loopy. I came out to join everyone in the living room and all I remember was Mike's mom giving me Gatorade and then it felt like in the blink of an eye-Mike was back and my in-laws headed home. Honest moment: I totally cried when they left and I remember telling Mike that we were very blessed and how sad I was that we weren't able to spend more time together. Still-I was thankful.
Which brings me to this afternoon-when I received this in the mail:

Words can't express my gratitude, and tears seem to be all that I can find. I am very blessed and so grateful for the love & support of my family. Our blessings are truly abundant.

Good Friends...

...make good times EVEN BETTER!
Courtney stopped by on her lunch break yesterday with a few things for Em & Bryce. The kids' new "thing" lately has been Sesame Street-especially with Bryce, so man oh man this was cool for them!
Too bad there is no sound with the pictures because let me tell you about the oooooh's and aaaaaaaah's that went along! It was like an unexpected Christmas. And yes-Bryce wore those Elmo slippers to bed and has kissed them (while on his feet) numerous times! lol-Hugs to Courtney for such a thoughtful surprise. :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby Mine

Came across these picts tonight. Mike & I had a good time taking a trip down memory lane with them.  Just can't believe our last baby is going to be 2 soon. :(  Where has the time gone? We've had many precious moments, of that we are certain & grateful.

Baby EmmaLee

Baby Bryce

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Double Duty

How cool is this?
My new purse you ask? Nope...keep guessing.....
Give up? It's my new CAMERA BAG! So stinkin' neat huh? Cute & trendy...right up my alley! It was a gift from Mike's mom when I had my latest "oh so fun" completely doped up-double root canal-dentist visit. When Mike opened the box to show it to me, I was a little shall we say....well....stoned-I guess is the best description. So it took me a while to really realize that I hadn't dreamed about this new bag, but that it was really mine :) -which just makes it even more exciting to me. lol
What I love is that it LOOKS like a purse and I can actually use it as one while it doubles as my camera bag-plus, it has SO MUCH more room than my actual Nikon bag, but just as much padding & security! It holds both my lenses, my flash, all my cords, 2 of my cameras, hoods, etc. and then some! My friends love it and want to know where I got my new "purse"-ha ha ha. Too cool. I never knew something like this even existed! Thanks to my mother in law for such a thoughtful gift & support of my new photography hobby. Anyone up for a photo shoot? I'll even bring my new bag along :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pitty Sooes Mama...

Bryce was so proud of himself the other day. All I could hear coming down the halls was "Pitty Sooes Mamma....look-Pitty Sooes!"
Ummmmm.......there aren't words.....
Mike asked him if he liked those shoes and he was quick to reply with an ecstatic "YES!", so he called poor Bryce, "Freddie" all day (as in Freddie Mercury-that can't be good by the way he means it) and I of course took a picture immediately. Perhaps someday going through sister's dress up stuff will not be such a thrill-and maybe this will come in handy as blackmail when he's being a rotten teenager?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wild in the Amazon

Today was my preschool field trip to the Rainforest Cafe! The kids have LOVED studying the jungle all month-Emma made this Safari girl at school and every time she passes it on the wall, she points to hers and giggles "Oooooooooh-I made that smile on the face!"

The field trip today gave the kids a chance to go on a "real" safari-with hats & everything! I think it's safe to say, this trip threw the whole Jungle theme over the top! It was fantastic! Ayden rode along with us, and we made a day of it in Seattle today.
First stop-Krispy Kremes:

Next: Lunch & tour of the animals & fish of the Rainforest...
(Emma is totally into the info on the giant python named "Julius Squeezer" hanging from the ceiling)
(look how intently Bryce watches Scuba Scott talk about the Elephants....cute)

Fun Tree Frog Sippies & Volcano Cakes!

Then a chance to play in the mall play zone-which conveniently was also Rainforest themed...

Finally we ended our trip with Jamba Juice & Pirate's Booty for the ride home and we are officially exhausted!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

School Picture Time

Today EmmaLee got her first Preschool Pictures taken! She was TOTALLY excited to wear her new Gymboree Giraffe outfit for the occasion. I am in LOVE with my Nikon. She takes some AWESOME picts!
Here's a peek. Awww...our little girl is growin' up so fast :(

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