Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why a MARTONE in ALLISON Wonderland?

Things can get pretty crazy around the Martone hacienda. Sometimes it feels as though my house was the only one on the block to be consistantly struck by a tornado! Toys all over creating the look of a topsy turvy funhouse, constant sound of giggling and pitter patter of little feet, the smell of Baked Apple Pie (most likely from the Scentsy pot), and some Pixar/Disney show on DVD in the background. Amidst the chaos of day to day life I feel myself daydreaming about what I wish my life looked like, and for whatever reason I don't care to picture it much different....a little tidier perhaps-but like my 2 year old's favorite Disney Character Alice says " if I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?". My whole life I have been an "Allison". I always have been, and always will be-it's the name I was born with. I got married and added the Martone last name and so you see....we are MARTONE'S in ALLISON Wonderland! (Dad-if you still don't get it, that's ok-move on. ha ha ha) So whatever people may think about the seeming bedlam in my house, or the dishes & laundry that always seem to be piling up, or the constant "on-the-go" of my 2 cherubs...I figure, the chores can wait til' my babies are in bed, I'm not trying to impress-my kids are growing up before my eyes and I refuse to miss it. And though it may seem like pandemoneum to others, it makes perfect sense to me. "I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life!"
Why start a blog?
I've always been an avid scrapbooker. I use it as my way of journaling the major (and some not so major) events of our family life. There's our wedding album, the kids baby albums and then the yearly albums for each of the kids. It finally dawned on me one day, "Hello Kristi. You made those albums for your kids to take with them someday when they leave the nest...." so what was I going to be left with? After not too much thought, I realized I'd be left with....NADA! Uh-oh! All that work, and I was going to have nothing??? This could not be. So one day, after poking around on a few friends blogs that I follow, I saw that Megan Poulsen was going to turn her blog into a hard-bound book! What! Does it get much cooler? A while later she posted photos of the completed product and it was stunning! I was so inspired, I decided-what a GREAT way to accomplish the journaling in a fun & super easy way-and include the pictures I wanted without having to scrapbook 17 more albums! So there you have it, I've now begun dictating our own fun adventure story of life as....a Martone in Allison Wonderland. Enjoy.

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