Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Look out-we've got a Table Dancer!

There aren't really any words for what you are about to see. This is (unfortunately-and I say that for many reasons) where I catch my son MANY MANY MANY times a day!~All by himself, he's found a way to get himself up on our dining room table and can never get down, but while he's up there-he has a BLAST! He turns in circles as if he was tap dancing and bee-bops his head all around-he also likes to strip while he's at it....yes people-he has taken up TABLE DANCING! Someone sign me up for therapy-QUICK! -Kristi

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...I can't wait to show this to your dad tonight! You gotta admit...he is the cutest table dancer of all time!!


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