Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pitty Sooes Mama...

Bryce was so proud of himself the other day. All I could hear coming down the halls was "Pitty Sooes Mamma....look-Pitty Sooes!"
Ummmmm.......there aren't words.....
Mike asked him if he liked those shoes and he was quick to reply with an ecstatic "YES!", so he called poor Bryce, "Freddie" all day (as in Freddie Mercury-that can't be good by the way he means it) and I of course took a picture immediately. Perhaps someday going through sister's dress up stuff will not be such a thrill-and maybe this will come in handy as blackmail when he's being a rotten teenager?

1 comment:

  1. O-M-G. I pretty much have no words either...so cute! I can't wait till your Dad gets hoe so I can show him this...he is going to crap himself. And PS, tell Mike I happen to LOVE Freddie Mercury...he was my idol when I was 15.


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