Thursday, February 25, 2010

Little Chef

Our scheduled preschool field trip this month was to a little bakery here in town called Dakota Cafe-the bummer is, they ended up being "no shows" and didn't follow through. It was sad. So in a desperate plea, I ran to my neighbor and friend, Lynette Horsley, and begged her to pretend to be a chef with me for the kids! There was no need to beg though because she was TOTALLY up for it! Yay!

We decided to make 2 stations-One where I would help them make homemade pasta (spaghetti) and the other where Lynette would help them make homemade breadsticks! At her station, Lynette even went as far as to let the kids MAKE THE FLOUR! She gave them each a handful of wheat grains and let them throw them into the wheat grinder so that they could experience that process too! Go figure I had such a cool friend willing to go the "unplanned" extra mile for my kiddos huh?
The kids all got their own aprons and chef hats, and had a great time. Thank heaven for great friends! It may take me a while to figure out who my true friends are-but when I finally figure it out-I realize how truly blessed I am for them! Hugs to Lynette for always being there for me! The kids had a complete blast! :)

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