Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza

Last night was my annual Preschool Play/Family Show & Dinner called, "The Little Red Hen makes a Pizza with the Big Bad Wolf!"...a mouthful I know-but it's what the kids wanted :)
This is my most nerve-racking event of year, but always worth it. After spending weeks with my stomach in knots and a lot of time in the bathroom this morning, Mike clued in and helped me set up for a few hours this morning, thus relieving a lot of stress. After going around and around with the school district to allows us to use a room, for 2 hours and LESS than $ great friend Courtney finally got us a deal at Morgan Middle School for $20~YAY! Let me tell ya about the undue mental overload THAT issue has caused...anyhow-Em & Bryce enjoyed that I made some fruit pizzas for the event too.

The kids were pretty nervous at first, so I had all the adults leave the room and I had a pep talk with just "us"...smiles came around pretty quickly and so did their excitement to show their families what they had been working on so hard for 4 weeks!
All the artwork/decor were projects the kids did in class. They have been hung up all around the classroom for the past month, and became GREAT decor for our set! I made their simple costumes/facemasks out of posterboard and tempera paint-less is more with these things-with the kids faces in the middle...I must say, they are adorable!

How cute are my students: Red Hen-Sienna, Big Bad Wolf-Cash (who even had his Grandma make him a special "wolf" tail for the occasion!) These 2 were the main characters and had so many lines they memorized and then performed without a hitch-I was SOOOOO proud of them!

The 3 little pigs: Miss "Barbeque"-Karley, Miss "Hamlet"-Kamryn, and Kevin "Bacon"-Ayden (the parents got a kick out of the play on was pretty hilarious since the kids had NO clue!)

Goat-Finn, Dog-Amie, Horse-Hannah and Cow-Lily (who was throwing a fit at the time of this picture...such a drama queen)

The kids performed a couple songs (to help make them comfortable about being in front of a crowd of 60 people)...then they did their play (where EVERY child had memorized their lines beautifully)...afterwards they came back together for a few more songs including, Tony Chestnut & the Chicken Dance (which the parents joined in and performed with their kids). I turned the kids loose to join their families and we all enjoyed Pizza together for dinner. It was a great turnout tonight (relatives traveled from all over JUST for this event) and I got the best feedback I ever have before from parents, their friends and grandparents too! It was just the thing I needed to keep me going and continuing to love my job. My students were too cute for words, and I couldn't be more proud.

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