Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Holiday Debacle

My christmas nightmare.
I realize there are worse things happening in the world, but still....
Last year I had bought a couple large red santa bags from Craft Warehouse. This year I finally got around to taking them to get embroidered. Long story short-the embroidery place had them for over 2 weeks (one of those weeks was extra because I didn't have time to pick them up on their due date). I show up, bags not done. In fact one of the bags has a 12x12 HOLE IN IT now! Not kidding. A gigantic HOLE! Instead of embroidering it like I asked, they tried to melt some kind of vinyl lettering on it & MELTED the bag. I wanted to scream & cry at the same time. So frustrated. No notification of their error-possibly leaving me time to come up with plan B, no apology, no compensation and I was out the whole santa bag thing now. GRRRRRRRRR.
Fast forward. I was at work venting to my assistant teacher & she told me that her MIL has a crazy sewing machine that is hooked to her computer. We weren't sure if it embroidered but she said she'd ask anyways. The very next day her sweet MIL dropped by preschool & offered to help me with the bags. I told her I don't have any bags now & since we don't have a fabric store in town, (5 days before christmas) I was HOSED! Her plan B was to pick up some red pillowcases from Fred Meyer & she would be happy to embroider names on them for me. AWESOME. I did just that.
I knew Sandy would be super busy this time of year-she reminds me a lot of Mikes mom. She is always sewing up/crafting up stuff & her grandkids are constantly decked out in her latest creation. I knew that with her 10+ grandkids coming in to town she would be UP TO HER EYEBALLS with projects & thus I was adding to it. I felt pretty guilty, and also assumed that like Mike's mom, she was probably just too nice to say no to me adding to her pile.
Last night was our christmas program at preschool. Sandy came to watch her granddaughter & handed me a brown paper bag.
When I was finally able to sit down & open it at home I was stunned. She went above and beyond my expectations. Not only was the font she embroidered lovely, but she went the extra mile to add a thick white fleece cuff to the top, a red & white drawstring tie, and large white pom poms attached to the end of the ribbons! There weren't words to describe my emotions. Tears. That's all I had. Tears.
Look how amazing these PILLOWCASES are now!
I can't wait to keep these in the family for years to come and hopefully one day pass on to the kids when they are grown.
Another student gave me a Wilton cookie press as a gift. Mike has been wanting one for a while so he was more excited than anyone. The kids were amazed watching how "good dadda was at making beautiful cookies!" lol. 

Bryce is completely addicted to these buttery confections. ADDICTED! Can't blame him, they are scrumptious.
My Christmas Wish
For christmas this year, I showed Mike a post on a blog I follow. It was the same blog I gathered inspiration from for my sewing desk. The gal had turned an antique projector into a LAMP! I was instantly IN LOVE with the idea. 100% my style. It screamed Restoration Hardware!!!! (My dream shopping spree location). Mike has become quite the guru for electrical projects & after reading the little blog tutorial, he was confident it would be a doable project. He found this antique projector on Craigslist and promised I would soon have a new lamp. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! It is beautiful.

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