Monday, March 5, 2012

Things I Want my Babies to Know:

Maybe it's just me-but doesn't life seem like a crazy train ride? It just keeps whizzing past & no matter what-it seems there is just never enough time. I could swear I had my babies yesterday-now one is off to Kinder in the fall and my last munchkin will follow in her footsteps just 9 months later! I can't handle it. What's next? I will blink & they'll be off to college??? :( STOP THIS MADNESS!

While still in the hospital-shortly after they were born-during the quiet of night, I snuggled my new bundles without a care in the world. Everything was very serene. They were times I hold most dear to my heart. It was then that I promised Em & Bryce that I would never miss a moment. I would be present in their lives. I would sacrifice anything necessary for their well-being. I would be at all their sports events, school programs, parent/teacher conferences, etc. I'd be there to make them a snack after school. I would put my own career on the back burner in order to hold their precious hands a few short years before they entered school. I promised to make the most of each day & to constantly remind myself that these years go by in the blink of an eye-so cherish every moment.

With this in mind-Mike and I decided that we would do our best to fill their childhoods with as many wonderful memories as possible. We want them to have a strong foundation that they could gain confidence from and a security that their family would ALWAYS be there for them. We want to be a close-knit family. So-while others save for things they feel are most important: first cars/college, etc. we decided we would cross that bridge when we came to it. In the meantime-we save for & pack our weekends, weeknights, summers & holidays with FAMILY TIME. Lots and lots of family time. Some spontaneous, some planned....doesn't matter-as long as we're together.
So with this impending doom of the grade school milestone we are facing-I wanted to jot down a few things for each of my little ones. Something that they can look back at someday & know the hopes and aspirations their Momma had for them when they were small.
1. Work hard
You are a great little worker and you are only 5. No task is too big for you-you'll give anything a go at least once. I love that about you. You are not a quitter. Never lose that trait. It's an admirable one.
2. Get dirty-it's good for you.
Not only does it support your immunity, it is also a great way to express your creativity. You've never been afraid of a little dirt or a swim in the river. It's refreshing for the soul. It's natural. 
3. Enjoy your childhood
Kids grow up so fast these days. You know how to navigate the iPad better than I do. (thanks for those tutorials by the way). Don't forget it's ok to just play too. You can be responsible for 5 year old things-you don't have to be the mom yet. Life is awesome at 5! There is plenty of time later in life to have worries that responsibility brings. Run, laugh, jump & sing. The world is your playground!
4. Never let go of your imagination
You have some of the craziest conversations with your dolls & bath toys. I LOVE THAT about you! Creativity unlocks many doors and can be such a release. I hope you always enjoy it as much as you do now.
5. Love at first sight DOES NOT EXIST. 
In fact-Barf! What a setup for failure. Honestly. I appreciate romance as much as the next gal, but my advice: marry your best friend. PERIOD. This will save you a lot of heartache. Marriage is hard enough. Give yourself a running start by taking your best friend along for the journey!
6. "Anything you can do-I can do better"
Believe it! Beat the boys at their games. There is no reason you can't build a fort, or win the neighborhood  soccer match. If you want to-DO IT! Your mom never waits around for a guy to do it for her-if you want something done-do it yourself! Never let anyone tell you "you can't" because you are a girl. THAT is a load of crap!
7. Be spiritual 
Find the desire to understand the universe and your place in it. You are a Child of God and that makes you an INCREDIBLE being! Take the time to notice the earth and all of its beauty. Shout Hallelujah from the mountaintops if you feel inspired! Give thanks to your Heavenly Father for his tremendous creations.
8. To err is Human.
To forgive divine. Why? Because this is a seriously HARD lesson for most people. Forgiveness. You'll need this tool-and not everyone has it to give back to you. Be strong enough to accept that. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.
9. See the world
Travel (NOT ALONE) & learn from your experiences. I have cherished the time I have spent traveling with my family as a kid. Not everyone is fortunate to visit different countries & cultures. I hope you are able to at some point. It expands your scope of how you view the world and others in it.
10. Confidence
A strong handshake leaves a lasting impression. You can read a lot about a person through their handshake. It represents self-confidence and ambition. A strong handshake and eye contact exemplifies a mutual respect for one another and is a sign that you are friendly, trustworthy and honest.
11. Soak up Knowledge
You started reading at 3. Not everyone can say that! You however-love to learn! Smart NEVER goes out of style. It stays with you as you grow and it continues to expand your horizons. A college education is something to be earned with pride. Though it doesn't always provide a millionaire salary in the end it will lead you down the most successful paths.
12. Makeup & Fashion
With makeup-less is more...with fashion-DO NOT apply that same theory! No matter what the media may show you-it sends a clear message to boys, and it's not a good one.
13. It's the little things in life.
Diamonds are NOT a girls best friend-but....that's a whole separate lecture for a different day :) Love notes, flowers, and your favorite drink....these things truly show how much someone knows & loves you. Sounds silly but you will understand what I mean someday.
14. Modern technology-instant gratification generation?
 Don't expect things to happen overnight-no matter how used you are to getting results in the snap of a finger (i.e.: push of a button). It takes hard work & perseverance to be successful. Most things worth having take time to aquire.
15. U R Special. You do not need a boy to tell you that. 
When the time comes-be a SLOW mover! If you liked the boy that doesn't kiss you on the first date-he at least deserves a 2nd date. Plain & simple. Tip: a boy that respects his Momma will most likely respect you!
16. Moderation is key-
Excess is generally a bad thing-no matter what the subject matter.
17. Be a sister. Be a friend. Be a protector.
Your brother is your only sibling. There will be times in life where you will need to lean on each other-for things that parents "just don't understand"-please be there for each other. You and your brother were born only 16 months apart-not on purpose-but there must have been a divine reason. I have to think it is so you can be each others protectors. There is nothing in life like a sibling. I have 2-and wouldn't trade that for anything. You will see.
18. Love with everything you have.
Be strong-but sensitive. Enjoy the little things in life. Savor little moments-they are blessings. Love HARD. Everyone is looking for/needs validation. Make sure you show your love as much as you want to receive it. Make sure the recipients are those you respect. You will have your heart broken at some point-don't let that stop you. BELIEVE in love. It exists and makes the world go round. You are proof of that.
19. Be who you are and say how you feel.....enough said.
20. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
You will make MANY in your life. So what. It's ok to laugh at yourself. Laughter is humbling. It inspires and motivates. It is refreshing and when appropriate-can lighten a heavy mood. Recognize that they are mistakes for that very reason-choices to learn from and not made again.
21. Admit your faults. 
Everyone has them. Don't judge people for theirs-as you wouldn't want yours weaknesses held over your head. We all have demons we battle-we don't need to be beaten over the head with reminders by others. If you can't say anything nice-don't say anything at all. Thumper the wise. :)
Wherever you are in life-no matter what-I will always love you. I will be here. You can ALWAYS come home.
Your Momma

1. You are my sunshine. 
I sang this to you everyday when you were a baby. I meant every word. You light up my life. 
2. It is not always ok to pee outside. 
The older you get-and unless you are camping-try to avoid this.
3. You can wear Emee's dress up and carry around her Rapunzel dolly.
We will love you no matter what. But please stop shutting the door & sneaking a peek under her is weird. :) And p.s. it's not a secret-we know what you are up to, shutting the door just makes it weirder! 
4. An appropriate diet does NOT consist of the following:
powdered doughnuts, cookie dough, popsicles, chippies & hot chocolate milk. Sorry.
5. Rules are meant to be followed-not broken. 
I can't stand it when people say "rules were meant to be broken"...They are in place to keep you safe. Please understand that. Don't take un-necessary risks. We love you too much to lose you. This is also coming from your mom who is NOT a risk taker what-so-ever, but still. :)
6. Explore-dig-run-jump & ride. 
Enjoy the zest for life that you were born with. At every chance you get-sprint in the park, make mud pies & zoom on your bike. Life really is amazing & is meant to be enjoyed. That being said-learn to recognize safe limits. Excess usually equals trouble. 
7. Accept others for who they are. 
Look for the good in others because when you look for the bad-you will usually find it. Give people the benefit of the doubt. No one is perfect. 
8. You CAN be Captain America!
You are an amazing boy who can change the world. Make wise choices. Stay loyal. We will raise you to have respect for your country & those who have fought for your freedoms-don't be afraid to show that pride. 
9. Love letters never get old
Chivalry is not dead. Love letters are legacies.  They are heartwarming, raw and refreshing in such a fast paced world. Have your dad teach you this seemingly lost art. He is a pro at it. I receive a note on every birthday, anniversary & christmas. They are my most favorite gifts. He has been doing this since I was 15. 
10. It is ok to cry
Your Grandpa taught us girls that when we were little, but always said it applied to boys too. The men I respect most in my life, I have seen cry on occasion. It can be healing. It is a natural expression.
11. No respectable girl wants to see your wee-wee
During your teen years, there will be people at school or on tv that will try to tell you otherwise...but believe me-you will save yourself a lot of trials by trusting me on this one. 
12. Think before you ink
Tattoos are just that-PERMANENT displays of choices made at various points in life. You don't want to look back years later with regret. THINK LONG & HARD before a choice such as marking your body in anyway. Same goes for piercings. You were NOT born a scraggly Pirate. Please don't morph into one. 
13. Have many skills. Your future wife will thank you. 
Before you leave for college-you need to be skilled in performing a few tasks such as: doing the laundry, making the bed, dusting, mopping the floor, cooking, cleaning the bathroom (and all that entails), vacuuming, feeding the dogs, grocery shopping, budgeting....and the list goes on-trust me. You'll be a pro before you leave. You are welcome :)
14. Be tough. And I don't mean like nails.
Not a bully & you don't have to hide your feelings, but be wise enough to know the difference. Don't wear your feelings on your sleeve, grow a thick enough skin that you aren't hurt at every hardship you face-there will be many in your life. Be strong enough that you learn from your weaknesses, you are able to overcome them & turn them into your strengths. 
15. You will be my special boy forever
Right now you are only 3, and it seems to frustrate you when I ask you daily "do you know you are my favorite boy in the whole world?" You say yes. You'd better keep that answer-because I will continue to ask you for the rest of your life. 
16. Be a brother. Be a friend. Be a protector.
Your sister is your only sibling. There will be times in life where you will need to lean on each other-for things that parents "just don't understand"-please be there for each other. You were sent to our family so quickly after your sister for a reason. I have to think it is so you can be each others protectors. There is nothing in life like a sibling. I have 2-and wouldn't trade that for anything. You will see.
17. Be an Eagle. Soar above the rest.
My dad always urged us kids to be Eagles who fly above the crowd. Crows take the leftovers and follow each other around in flocks. Eagles soar bold and brave...solo. It is ok. Why fit in when you were born to STAND OUT? Be who you are and be PROUD of yourself. Have courage to be a leader-not a follower. Dream bigger than most people think possible. Try to make the right choices-not always the easiest ones. If it is a choice you have to think twice about-DONT DO IT! 
18. Family name
You were given the name by your father, who's father gave it to him. Your dad has worn it proudly and not tarnished it. Carry on that tradition so you may give it to someone else brightly polished someday too. 
19. Education is your KEY to success. 
Work hard to get an education. It may not always promise a stellar paycheck at the end-and could also come at a hefty monetary price tag-but it is something you can earn & be proud of. It is yours, and something that NO ONE can take from you. Education is constantly changing. You can never have too much knowledge. It is the only thing you can take with you in the end.
20. Marry your best friend.
This is the most important decision you will make in your life. Choose wisely. If you want a better chance at happiness, make sure your traveling companion is your very best friend. There is nothing like sharing everyday with someone like that. Marriage is hard. Very hard-having a friend to share the journey with makes it way better. AWESOME in fact~If you love each other to pieces, I promise to open my arms to her too. Nothing would make me happier than for you to find someone who loves you as much as I do (or at least a close 2nd ;)
Wherever you are in life-no matter what-I will always love you. I will be here. You can ALWAYS come home.
Your Momma

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