Monday, February 6, 2012

Nailed it!

My friend & I have this ongoing joke-when we try something and do it "good enough"-but DEFINITELY not 100% accurate-we say we've NAILED IT! lol. It's especially funny when we completely FAIL and still proclaim the same thing! :) 
Well-this was my first attempt at following a sewing pattern-and I'm not gonna lie-I was SCARED TO DEATH! Granted I picked out a pretty easy one-still, my anxiety was high.
Reading a pattern was a little like reading in a foreign language-one that you've learned at some point in your life, but can only remember the basics of-and JUST ENOUGH of those basics to get you by! UGH-so draining and frustrating. Still-I am proud to proclaim, I NAILED IT! Only took me all afternoon and into the evening, thus my family MAY or MAY NOT have had a gourmet meal of Nachos prepared for them for dinner. I don't recall. 
However-button holes, gathering, basting & all....I figured it all out on my own (well I DID place one call to my stepmom for a few tips before I started-but....) I say that all in all-THIS was something to write home about!

 Last week I was told that our sewing store in town is going out of business & all their awesome quality fabrics (organic, etc. normally at $12+ a yard) were on sale starting at 60% off! So I ventured in there & came up with a pile that I am in LOVE with! Can't wait to make Em a few more things and a chevron quilt for the living room.
One of my awesome preschool parents has been inviting us over for play/quilting dates for the past couple weeks. She and I are making Valentine table runners. It's been great fun-and I love learning a new hobby. Can't stop me now! I'm on a roll!

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