Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Preschool Spookfest Plans are in the works.....

So each year at preschool is my FAVORITE event-SPOOKFEST! The kids come dressed in their costumes and rotate around to stations that volunteer mom's run for me :) There is fun halloween music in the air, smell of yummy snacks soon to be devoured, and lots of fun activities to partake in. I change it up every other year-and some years, add/change up the original plans too! Here's the spooky scheme we've got planned for this year:
goofy teeth:
apple wedges with peanut butter & mini marshmallows

Skeleton Cookies:
Chocolate cookie dough cut with Gingerbread cookie cutter. White Icing for "bones"

Spider webs:
Pretzel sticks held together with melted chocolate in the center & webs made of drizzled white chocolate. Mini choc spider in center.

Mummy Juice:
Just your average juice box covered in gauze-add some googly eyes. Viola!

Petri Dish Jello Specimens:
Obviously-jello with gummy worms inside plastic petri dishes! TOO cute!

Witch Brooms:
Rice Krispie treat with a fat pretzel rod in the top. Cover rice krispie treat with melted chocolate & roll in Potato Stix! 

Cheese Fingers:
Clearly....string cheese w/slivered almonds.

Station 1:Ghostbuster Slime

1 teaspoon borax powder
1 1/2 C water, divided
4 oz (1/2 C)  Elmer’s CLEAR glue
Green food coloring
Add borax powder to 1 cup of water and stir to dissolve.  Set aside.  Pour glue into a medium mixing bowl and add 1/2 C water. Add a few drops of food coloring until desired color is reached and then stir to mix glue solution until smooth.  Pour the borax mixture into the glue mixture and watch the solids start to form.  Stir for a few moments and then use your hands to gather the mass.  The mixture will be very soft and wet.  Keep kneading until it firms up and feels dry.  Discard excess liquid in bowl. The more you knead and play with the slime the firmer it will become.  Store in a ziplock bag or air tight container and the slime will keep indefinitely.

Station 2: Jack The Pumpkin King Votive Holder
Baby food jar decopauged with orange (or white) tissue paper. Add black cardstock eyes, nose & mouth. When dry-put a tealight inside & set on the porch!

Station 3: Make your own MOON SAND
Mix together- 
4 Cups colored play/craft sand 
2 cups cornstarch 
 1 cup of water.
 The kids LOVE to mix this with their hands. Sometimes the color of the sand dies their hands, so gloves are probably best (unless you are like me and figure "who cares" :) )

Station 4: Vampire Milk Carton Treat Holder
What I envision looks a little different but you get the idea. These will serve as our container to hold the beloved WITCHES BREW (halloween trail mix) this year-we've done the mummy & frank in the past (last years Frank was SUPER cute with a spray painted soup can & bolts glued on the sides!)

(this recipe changes yearly depending on what I come up with:)

1 cup Wizard Hats 
(chocolate covered bugles)
1 cup Crooked Witch Bones 
1 cup Goblin Belly Buttons 
(reece's pieces)
1 cup Bat Poopie 
(cocoa puffs)
1 cup Frankenstein Fingernails 
(candy corn)
1 cup Ghost Goobers 
(ghost shaped marshmallows)

So much fun in store-fun fun fun! 

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