Friday, July 15, 2011

The Martone Creamery

Yesterday we turned our kitchen into 
Martone's Homemade Ice Cream factory! 

We made 2 flavors-Strawberry & Mint Chip (my fav!)

The kids made strawberry ice cream using the strawberries they picked at Remlingers a few days ago. Emma decided it needed to be PURPLE. Whatever. Color doesn't matter-as long as it still LOOKS appetizing right? Then it was only fair to let B pick the color for the Mint Chip. Needless to say, "Captain America" blue was chosen!

After a chill in the fridge-the creams were ready for the 2 ice cream machines later that night.

After the beach today-the results were DELISH! Just ask Em...


  1. Lol. That is his 4th of July tattoo that will NOT come off!

  2. Wow! Got your buck-25 out of that one!! I can't believe it's still there. I thought he had a big crash or something. Glad it's just the tat.

  3. Oh, and YUMMO on the ice-cream! Can we make some when we come up???


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