Wednesday, September 11, 2013

FINALLY-he gets his turn!

This kid has been waiting for his turn to go to school ALL WEEK! Emma started last Wednesday-the same day B had his first Parent/Student/Teacher conference. Ever since, he has had to wait for his official first full day. Today was THE day!
This was his teacher gift this year. A gourmet caramel apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolates. Teacher was OOOOOOBBBER thrilled with it ;) Way better than getting a plain ol' fashioned apple!

The kids were all too ready to head out the door this morning. They packed their lunches & folders in their backpacks & we were out of there!

Handsome little fella with his teacher gift-to get her through the day with 27 other kids besides B! Ugh.

Sister walked him into school today, but he didn't even need her. He was confident as can be! Why shouldn't he be, he's been coming here since the womb! :)

A quick HI to the principal in the hallway & he did everything he could to stop himself from running to his classroom down the hall. He found his desk, and unpacked his items. There was his first assessment report (from tests done at conferences last week) on the table. He ROCKED IT-considering we didn't do a dang school thing ALL SUMMER. I forgot that they assess him at conference and so he didn't even get a quick review :/ (parent of the year- I know I know). He knows all those lowercase sounds too-but he wasn't having it that day. Such is kids & assessments. I am anxious to see this change at the end of the week-when he is reassessed after getting into the routine of school.
The directions at his spot said to put your nametag on & put away your lunch stick. What a deceptively "easy" task. This concept is going to take a while. So many options for where that stick might go each day ;) ha ha ha

Next he hung up his "packpack" and lunch box in his locker.

One of my first preschoolers, Sienna (now a 4th grader) was standing there ready & waiting to greet Bryce to his first day of school with a big hug! She is such a sweetie. Bryce loved it.
He had completed all his homework so in the box it went-he was SO ready for his homework prize!

Ms. Selzler provided the kids with snack for the first day. He was pretty excited to have some. Captain Crunch Berries & carrot sticks are some of his favorite things!

This is where he starts to get embarrassed with my camera in his face. My reply- "I warned ya dude! I am a camera lovin' momma today-just like I was with sister!" :)

He did such a great job on his seat work. He drew pictures of all his favorite things & then wrote the word next to it. He sounded out each word with help from the letter friend chart on the table. I was SOOOOOO proud of him! What a rock star!

Shannon asked me to make her a "first day of school"sign for her to take student pictures with today-so this is what I came up with.

At the carpet following directions for a silent signal-which meant his ears were "listening to his teacher"

What a good little student. He was THRILLED to have his chance to be a kinder-kid.

Before the parents left, we all did a song & dance to "Boom Chicka Boom" and "Tootie Tah" (songs/chants from summer camp) It was TOOO FUNNY! The kids LOVED it & it was a great way to end a happy send off! 
I got a huge hug & a boot out the door from this kid. He was ready to be the first one back to the carpet to see what adventures were in store for the day!
At pick up, he was just as confident as when I left him. His main concern was finding his sister so she "wasn't lost" ;) lol.
As is tradition-Kirsten came to show her support as a "big sister" figure to the kids :)

He found his sis & they decided that FRO-YO was the perfect spot for Bryce's first day after-school chit chat. With it being almost 100 degrees outside, I must say I agreed!

Over his frozen treat he told us all about music class, seeing his sister in the cafeteria for lunch, 3 recesses, and his 2 new friends-"Dominic & the kid with the tricky name, who has small eyes and black hair" bwhahaha. Can't wait to find out what the translation to that story is! This little man is going to have one heck of a great start to his public education experience!

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