Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of School...check!

This morning-as has become tradition-Courtney dropped Ayden off here for school & we took a picture with all the school kids together. This year that meant ALL 4 kids! :( It used to be just Ryss going to school and the others were babies, now they ALL go to school! Crazy how time flies. Really crazy. Bryce was so excited to join the pic this year! 

Handsome devils!

He was all excited to go and then became a ball of nerves in the parking lot. Sister grabbed his hand and told him she'd show him where stuff was & how to hug the teacher :)

Em went through all the names on the cubbies (which was A LOT of names.....A LOT!) and found Bryce's for him. He quickly placed his backpack inside and went about playing with puzzles.

 I took this picture, gave him a kiss & said "Have a GREAT day at school! You'll LOVE it!" He quickly dropped the puzzle and quivered "Don't leave me! I go with you in the truck. I all done now." Ummmmmmm.......
So Mrs. Faire saw my distress & promptly got out the trucks & trains and asked Bryce to help her. He was definitely not going to pass that up! I snuck out & prayed that he'd be fine for the next 2.5 hours. I cried on the way home, feeling bad for sneaking off-I usually tell my kids I am leaving and they are fine with it, but I didn't want to risk it on a day like today....I had to be to work 15 minutes later! Plus I think the tears were a mix of emotions: this is my last baby, the last one that will ever have a FIRST day of their school career-EVER, the fact that he was nervous & I just left him (I've never had to do that before), and the fact that both my kids are in school now-just proving to me how grown up they are becoming. :( I was a wreck. 
Before I knew it, hours had past (that will happen when you are distracted by 12 other munchkins) Bryce was done with school, but I still had over an hour of work left. Since it was his first day, I had a sub come & watch my students during recess duty & I FLEW to pick him up. This was special because it is his first day & he was nervous when I dropped him off-normally, I won't get to pick him up since I teach until Noon :( Thank goodness for wonderful friends that offered to fill in for me the rest of the days this year. I've never had to rely on anyone to help me out like this before. It is actually hard for me, but on the other hand I am SO grateful for fantastic friends willing to step up on my behalf.
There he was when I pulled up. Standing with his teacher looking handsome & grown up as ever. :) The report I got was: there was no tears, he did great!

We took another traditional pic for the books & hopped in the car to get back to school to finish out our day at "Momma's School".

In the car he chatted my ear off about the trains & trucks, having cereal with NO milk (he thought that was silly-they made Fruit Loop necklaces for snack from what I've gathered), he liked the stories & songs and asked me if he can go back to his school again on a different day! SUCCESS!
And for a trip down memory lane...
Here is EmmaLee at the exact same age-on the exact same day-ONE year ago! Crazy how fast they grow up. I'm so blessed to be able to work from home and not miss these memories with them. I suck in every last moment that I can. 

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