Sunday, June 12, 2011

School's Out FOR-EVER!

Yesterday, my Master Teacher Mary Goff & her husband, both retired from teaching elementary school. Their daughter threw them a combined party to celebrate this momentous occasion down in Wapato tonight. The theme was Dr. Seuss (fitting for 2 elementary school teachers huh?) "Oh The Places You'll Go"!
For those who aren't savvy with "teacher lingo", a Master Teacher is the person whom you student taught with and hopefully was that first person who really showed you the ropes & "first year" tricks of the trade. For me, this angel was Mamma Mary. Not only did I student teach with her, but she made sure that I did certain things during student teaching that would help ensure I was hired the following year if I so desired. And I did! I owe a lot to her. She really took me under her wing, not to mention kind of "protected me" too-if you will- from less desirable-mean spirited/jealous staff members I was to encounter. She always made sure I was taken care of no matter what the circumstance was. She was an amazing example, and such a blessing to me as a "rookie" in the field :) While student teaching, she introduced me to her daughter, Karen, (who was my age, and doing her own student teaching over in Spokane). I have never met as much a personable person of my own age, as Karen. We hit it off like Peas and Carrots from the start & have been friends ever since-well, more like sisters almost.

Mary & Karen were at both my baby showers here in Ellensburg, and we've gotten together down there in Yakima/Wapato for the occasional girls lunch over the years since I left the school district down there. There's nothing like lifelong friends. I am so blessed to have this amazing family in my life!

no he's NOT tryin to be GQ....rather-he is in need of a belt apparently! :)

The only gripe-common among both retiree's at the end of all these years (not to mention agreed upon by all the other educators present!) : "education is so data driven these days-the frowned upon belief to have fun while learning & to genuinely LIKE school is completely obsolete! It was not what they got into the profession for, they will miss the kiddos, the comradery between staff, but sayonara to the rest!". Needless to say-these 2 were serenading us tonight with Alice Cooper's "Schools Out for Summer.....School's out for EVER!"

enjoying every last breath of fresh air on the 5 acre lot....see my family in the distance? :)

cabana girl?

I admit it-there are days I complain about having to literally collect my paycheck, & how much I despise having to recruit new students, the irritation of having to purchase private medical insurance coverage, etc. BUT.....I DO NOT MISS the politics of public school!!! Ugh-having to listen to administrators tell you what material you'll teach & how you'll present it to YOUR students, etc! My teaching job at present (those other things aside) ROCKS! :) And YES-sometimes I need to gab with my old co-workers & various teacher friends to realize how very lucky I am to have the best of both worlds.

It was a perfect evening. Gorgeous weather, fantastic friends, beautiful surroundings in the peaceful countryside....bliss.
On a side note-you might be wondering why I took so many random picts of Karen & Phil's place....remember that show called "Flip This House"? It's kind of a story like that! Check out the before shots & you'll understand! 

all the main rooms have these incredible original 1930's chandeliers though....

apparently the mary jane growin' room.....ewwww

digging up all the weeds, they found a cute little brick patio underneath!

dilapidated fence along with what is left of the "water" that was in the pool or should I say frog infested pond????


poor sad cabana-so much potential....
So proud of them for all their hard work. They did an AMAZING job on the transformation....from previous drug/squatter house-to 1930's farm house on the ranch. I wish I thought to take indoor picts today :( it is truly amazing! My kids would LOVE to live out there. Just all the running around they did tonight tuckered them out.

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