Thursday, June 16, 2011

Going Private this Friday

Due to CRAZY people out there-I am making this blog private. I would love for you all to continue to be readers, so if you aren't already on my permission list email me at :)


  1. One of my preschool parents is using me as a scapegoat & is going POSTAL! Might end up with a restraining order to keep her away from the other kids & school functions! Silly huh?

  2. SO STUPID! Sorry you're having to deal with a nutcase.

  3. For real! This woman has had me up crying and stuck on the toilet for 2 days. I HATE IT. Thought that kinda stuff was for high school? Apparently some people never outgrow bullying, and then pass that lovely trait on to their children. TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! I refuse to put up with that kind of behavior-from ANYONE, let alone a parent of a student whom I have bent over backwards for 2 years running-3 days before school is out & her daughter goes to Kindergarten, she decides she literally HATES me and states that I am a "pathetic excuse for a teacher". Ok?????? Whatever you say you crazy bitch! lol

  4. Thought about making a post of all the cards & notes & emails she has sent me over the past 2 years PRAISING the hell out of me and the influence I've had on her daughter, the uplifting experience she's had with me at school, how she is so glad they got into THIS school and not another, yadda yadda I am the spawn from hell???? ok! :) This just makes her even MORE of a crazy lunatic! You should see the HORRIFIC emails she's been sending me. To which I am an idiot and actually respond to....stupid stupid me. NEVER again!

  5. WOW! That is just sad. Clearly, she needs some kind of serious help. I feel so bad for both you and her poor little girl. Can you somehow block her emails so you never even get them?

  6. Well-day 3 and still more threats and mean comments.....gesh-lady get a life! I have spent 2 days in tears. Thank goodness for my 2 terrific BEST friends who have provided a shoulder & words of wisdom the past couple days. I promised to not allow this woman to take anymore of my happiness. She isn't worth it, HER character is in question (clearly from her emailed comments) NOT mine. I have taken the high road and will not engage in any more negativity.
