Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's a TRAP!

This weekend we spent time creating the Annual Leprechaun Traps! As you can see, the kids have to be FORCED into it, as usual! :)
took them to Craft Warehouse where they picked out the "bones" of the house for the little green guy....
went through the craft box & came up with these goodies to decorate with....some leftover mardi gras decor, pirate coins from Em's 3rd birthday, scrapbook paper, etc. FUN STUFF!
Em decided that a gold glitter glue "B for Bryce" and "E for EmmaLee" were appropriate on her green abode-
she couldn't get enough of the glitter glue-oh the little things in life!
Project complete! Even has a "Rainbow Chimney"-though not attached to the house....whatever-who cares. Leprechauns aren't picky you know! She decided that in order to "trap" him, she needed to pour glue down on the inside floor of the house-"because then he'd jump in the window and his feet would sink in the glue on the floor & he'd get stuck in there!"Hmmmmm- I get ya....I get ya....
Bryce was just as simple with his plans to catch a Leprechaun....the leprechaun will jump to the top, and slide down the candy rainbow slides and fall in the "poker bushes" at the bottom. I will just assume that he figures the tiny guy would then throw a "Bryce tantrum" from being hurt by prickle bushes & thus it would leave us time to go capture him??! :)
Nevertheless-he is pleased as punch with his creation! And isn't the random display of giant gold pieces appealing? I'd be all over it if I were a leprechaun!
Today the traps went to school & they shared the details & plans with the rest of the kids, who also brought their own contraptions-it was a GREAT day for imagination! We'll just see if they were cunning enough to trick that little trickster come St. Patty's Day morn!

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