Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kidquest with Grandma & Papa

Since EmmaLee had an event today in Bellevue at the Kidquest Museum we thought Bryce would enjoy hanging out & exploring the place too! We'd never been before but thought it sounded like a fun opportunity. Grandma & Papa were even planning on meeting us there to spend the day with us! To be quite honest-I wasn't sure WE were going to even make it out of Ellensburg, let alone Seattle, this morning. Bryce was being a turkey and WOULD NOT get dressed. Finally I had a stroke of genius and said "Brycey-do you want to see Grandma? If you do, you need to get your clothes on. Grandma is going to go bye bye with us!" He stopped IMMEDIATELY and said "O-tay!" So with 2 fully clothed kids-we were out the door and only 10 minutes after our desired departure time! Not too shabby.
As an added bonus-Grandma & Papa brought Cousin Stephanie (whom the kids adore!) So while Em & Steph attended the Mad Hatter Tea Party, Grandma, Papa and Dadda made the rounds of all the exhibits with Brycey. From what I understand-he didn't say much-he just played and explored to his hearts content! When I saw him-he was smiling away-playing on the scarf shooter with Grandma. Emma & Steph joined in, and when they had FINALLY explored all there was to do, we dragged them out of there for a little lunch. Grandma & Papa treated everyone to a super yummy lunch at Red Robin. Bryce of course had to sit on Grandma's lap while he ate her lunch AND his, making him a seriously happy camper. I can't remember going to Red Robin together since before Steph was born....(it was after a dance recital that Sam had invited us all to in Redmond) Anyways-it was a great day and we're so happy to have been able to share it with our family!

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