Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Random Mid-Week Goodness

We went home to Bremerton for Sam's b-day party this weekend, but while we were there-we collected up some fine handmade treasures made especially by Grandma. 
First-my personal FAV....the Air Force flack jacket, a "mini-me" replica of Papa's (back in the day). SOOOOOOOO darn cute! The name patch is even from the real deal :) Thanks for something so special Grandma-hugs.

Then EmmaLee got to bring home her Halloween costume-of course with her amazing talent, Grandma sewed it. This summer I sent Steph home to B-town with the fabric that Em picked out for it at Jo-Ann's. I don't think Em ever imagined it looking this stunning. The first time she saw it (about a month ago-during the fitting) she squealed and literally jumped for joy-before getting embarrassed by everyone adoring the "little princess" in the mirror.
I've never seen as beautiful a Sleeping Beauty dress out there....even at Disneyland! This chickadee is gonna outdo the real thing! Stand in line for autographs people. 
Oh yes-halloween....well-didn't you all know that we now celebrate on the 19th instead of the 31st? Well, according to this countdown we do! Grandma made these super cute "Countdown to Fright Night" frames for all the grandkids. There were yummy Kisses stuck to each of those circles you see in the picture-but well-let's just say that I left to run an errand for 10 mins and this is what happened on Mike's watch :) Bryce's advent looks identical at this point too-in case you are wondering. Ugh. So much for that this year I guess! Still-cute cute cute.
Lovin' my new subway halloween sign to add to our halloween decor collection-again, made by Mike's mom :)
And wrapping up our mid-week madness-Em has her first preschool snack assignment at her own preschool! I gave her the ingredients & she was AWESOME at following directions. This girl would LOVE to live in the kitchen if that were acceptable. She gets this adoration from her Dadda. She worked pretty hard & maticulously to create Candy Corn Pudding Cups & Oreo Mummy Pops! Now she can't stand the wait to take them to share with her "best friend in the world" Molly, at school tomorrow.

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