Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Kitchen is 75% done...

My beautiful farm light-has to go :( our new ceiling is just too low for it. I am terribly sad because I am truly in LOVE with it. Oh well-could be worse. I am back to Home Depot to scour the lighting department-which is actually NOT my favorite thing to do.
The cabinet hinges still need to be adjusted a little, and need the hardware put on the outsides. The side panels, crown molding and toe kicks need to be cut & attached too.
Tomorrow Mike will put up the stove hood. Isn't she a beaut!?
I have grand plans for vintage glass tile backsplash behind the stove & up to the hood and then continued across the backs of the a later date though-we are seriously POOPED! This is a MONSTROUS undertaking!

The empty space is for the most fantastic of FARM SINK! Can't wait! Mike said he'd try to have that done by Mothers Day-we shall see :) Honors Camp starts on Friday. That means I loose my partner in crime for 2 days. I guess I'll spend that time working on the hardware?
Oh well-until this is over-I will continue with my current set up for cooking to feed my family/make Bryce's birthday snacks, etc:
THIS deserves a gold star. Seriously hard to feel creative under such conditions. Makes me very grateful for my simple appliances such as a toaster, single coil burner (from my classroom) and griddle! :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Looking gorgeous! Can't wait to see it in person next week.


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