Friday, October 23, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

Months ago my doctor told me things would start to get a little "easier" once Em & Bryce were old enough to play together....hmmmmm......

Although I don't think I am any less entertainment than I was before-I admit, it has been fun to watch them interact lately. They have silly conversations and like to play back and forth between what they call the "playhouse room" and the "pirate room" (known to the rest of us as their bedrooms). Last night they dug out all the "treasures" they could find in the various toy boxes and filled up one of EmmaLee's purses with them. Apparently burying the treasure didn't seem appealing so, Em slept with it instead. She hasn't let go of this jewel filled bag in 16 hours. This morning I found her counting her inventory with her brother. He didn't give a hoot about wearing the necklaces or "oohing" and "ahhing" over their shimmer....he just kept grabbing handfuls and threw them around the room (really irritating Emma) to which he thought was fantastic! She instructed him that you were supposed to be gentle with them and showed him how to pick them back up and place them in her purse....He listened and watched her, then he picked up a bracelet and snapped it as hard as he could with this evil cackle in his voice! It was kind of funny to watch-well to everyone except Emma of course. She started crying that Bryce was being naughty and she wanted him to leave her "purs-ket" alone (I think that is her word for Purse and Basket combined????) Without my telling him to, he went over and gave her a hug, put his head on her chest and then kissed her. She hugged him back, said "I love you", and he bent over and picked up her pretties and promptly put them away in her pursket for her. Then they skipped on to their next adventure together as if nothing ever happened. Awwwww....sibling love and war.

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