Friday, October 30, 2009

Family Spook Party at The Zimny's

Our friends, The Zimny's, invited us over for a family Halloween party tonight. Emma had great fun! There was Jack-O-Lantern Grilled Cheese sandwiches and Tomato soup for dinner, bubbling witch potion to drink & cookie decorating for dessert! The best part for Emma was that she got to borrow a fun BAT costume and search for candy, which was hidden in piles of straw inside the spook house (a covered tent with fun ghostie christmas lights & pumpkin lanterns hanging all over). All the kids were preschool age and younger so Em was in heaven! Unlike his sister who pays great attention to the little details in things, Bryce on the other hand enjoys the simple pleasures in life-like "are there animals at this party"? Yes? Ok-he's there! When we pulled up he immediately went and showed Dadda where the bunnies, chickens and dog were on the property! Such a funny kid! He could care less about hunting for candy-putting on a costume, decorating cookies....he just wanted to EAT the cookies and the candy and make sure the dog was somewhere nearby! Who cares about anything else-right? :) At the end of the night, Adrienne did the "5 little pumpkins" poem with the kids and gave all the kids a book called "Twas The Night Before Halloween" as parting gifts. It was a fun night spent as a family amongst great friends.

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