Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Best News

I have needed some good news for a long time now. Things have been completely stressful and more hectic than usual. Mike is working 5 jobs (yes I said 5-that is not a typo), I work at home teaching preschool (which is fulfilling and I absolutely love it, but it's also very draining). The garage is being remodeled to become the new classroom and was supposed to be done this summer-obviously it isn't.....we are keeping our fingers crossed for December. Mike is taking principleship classes at CWU on TOP of the 5 jobs, so that takes him away even more, Em is starting Parent/Child Horseback riding lessons and somehow I am supposed to get her there alone when I have Bryce?????

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I've just needed to take a few moments to breathe and I feel like I can't catch my breath no matter what I try. Well, yesterday I got the BEST phone call I could have asked dad is flying us all down to Salt Lake City to have Thanksgiving with them this year! This is HUGE for us Allison's because we haven't had a Thanksgiving or Christmas together in 11 years! That is CRAZY! I see my family (Mom / Dad & Sisters) usually once each a year-that's it-and it makes me really sad. Lately I have really wished my sisters lived closer because there are just certain times in your life when a sister is the only person who understands you. I can't wait to see them in just 1 short month. Hopefully we'll get some fun pictures of the kids at Temple Square with all the beautiful Christmas lights as an added bonus! Dad and Kathleen-you are my angels and I can't thank you enough. I needed this more than words can say!


  1. are just the sweetest! We are sooo excited too. I forgot about the lights being up by then at Temple Square!! How fun will that be!!! Did you get any sleep last night? hahaha Love your guts...kiss the kiddos!

  2. oh...almost forgot...LOVE the Delta sign!


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