Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tattle Elves

WARNING: If you already think we are mean parents, DO NOT read the following :)

Last night poor Em had a HECK of an evening. It started at dinner-such a dreaded time when any type of "meat" is involved. For the past week-since Mike got back from visiting his dad-Mike has been very heart/health conscious. Thus began our regiment of "you eat what is in front of you-this is NOT Burger King" (where it's YOUR way RIGHT away). 
Tonights menu: Salmon, Green Beans & Mashed Potatoes. You would have thought Emma had been sucker punched. Poor kid. Sat at the table & made faces, stuck her tongue out at her food, plugged her nose, and cried for a good 45 mins. Adamant about NOT partaking of the meal and just wanting Mac Cheese. 
Bummer for her. Dad & I both tried to spoon feed bites to her and she literally gagged on each of her 5 bites. I offered up some homemade caramels for dessert when she was done-didn't help. She wailed and whined and seriously freaked out. Talk about an enjoyable dinner? Ummmm-no. The poor puppies sat under the table drooling-living on a prayer that THEY could eat the delicious meal that she hated so much. Sad. 
What is worse???? Mr. Goody and Sparkle watched the whole thing go down. THAT is bad news folks. Like capital B....Bad! When all was said & done, there was an early bedtime to be had. 
Fast forward to the next morning:
Laying in my bed, I can hear sobbing from Emma's room. "GREAT" I thought, "A continuation of last nights saga". So I get out of bed & go into her room. 
K:"Em, what's wrong?" 
E: (Through sobs) "Mr. Goody & Sparkle are gone! I looked everywhere. They left & are not coming back." 
K:"Hmmmmmm....why do you think that?" 
E:"Because I was throwing a fit last night & they saw me. Now they are going to tell Santa too. I just want them to come back!"
K: "Yikes. I bet you are right. That is a HUGE bummer."
E: "I know. I am really sorry, but I just don't know what to do"
K: "Well, maybe you could talk to my classroom Elf and see if he can take a message to YOUR elves when he sees them tonight?"
Next thing I know, she is running out to the classroom. The nosey mom that I am, cracked the door open a tig and listened. She sobbed and sobbed as she stared up at the litte Elf. "Um, Mr. Christopher? I did a bad thing last night and my elves are gone now! Can you please talk to them and tell them I am really sorry and I won't throw a fit again. Maybe they can come back to me? Ok. Bye."
DARN NEAR BROKE MY HEART!!! I almost had to email Santa to just bring those elves back ASAP before this MOM started crying too! Ugh. Rough. Sometimes parenting SUCKS!
As I got breakfast ready, Em took it upon herself to write Santa a note. The more she thought, the more she wrote. She started in the middle of the paper and then added words whereever there was room-once she ran out of space. lol. Kind of like a round robin approach. Thus I have NO CLUE what it says. Her dictation claimed something like : I am sorry that I was whiney. Please bring back my elves. Love EmmaLee" 
You can sort of make out the "Im sorry that..... (in the middle) and the "whiney" at the bottom. HA HA HA.
We decided it was a good idea to leave the note on the tree so that the big guy could look in his Crystal Ball and read it! ;) This helped cheer her up a little before school but BOY did she think about it a TON!
While she was at school, this Holiday Miracle happened:

Sparkle & Mr. Goody came back! Not only that, but they brought Em a new AG doll accessory organizer, dressed Kanani & organized all her doll stuff for her!
When she came home from school and saw this, she was ELATED!!!! I could tell she wanted to pick those elves up and love on them, but tried REALLY hard not to touch them (as is the Elf rule!)

I read her the note that Santa left in Kanani's lap. She shed a tear or two and promised to do a better job with her choices. 
All's well that ends well. 

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