Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teacher in the making

Caught red handed. Alone in the new classroom with every baby doll "student" she could find..too cute-

I'm sure she was delivering a FANTASTIC lesson. Her students were doing a great job listening! :)

Astronauts in Training

Can't get enough of the new authentic jr. astronaut costumes that Grammie & Grandpa sent from their D.C. trip! Of course-Bryce was completely it was on this particular occasion.

Popped up the Rocket Ship tent that Shannon got me for my classroom-we are soooooo ready to start our Outer Space Unit this month!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Window Treatments

Finally found the idea I want to use on my classroom windows! Wooden valences! Who knew????
With some thick wood blinds it will be b-e-a-utiful and add the dimension it needs since the windows aren't trimmed out there.

Who knows when I will actually START this project, but at least I have the plan in mind for the time being. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Classroom COMPLETE!

Thank goodness it was a 3 day weekend-we needed all the time we could get to complete this project-and not a moment too soon-it's 8:40 pm and ready to do for tomorrow! Sad that Mike's ear drum burst on Friday night, but he pushed through his pain & helped me all weekend. Just one more confirmation-I married the right guy! :)
The exterior (terrible picture but...) the rocks still need to go on the bottom portion, door painted once more and the windows trimmed, but you get the point.

The following are all before Mike so kindly cleaned my entire classroom floor-I realize they look atrocious.... :)

Calendar Corner

Group Instruction Area

Toy Shelf & Front Entry/Cubbies

Reading Corner

Our OLIVIA Bulletin-a book treasure project from this months theme

Cubbies & Front Door-which still needs to be painted again on the exterior, thus the painters tape :)

My little corner of the world :)

Another Book Treasure-FROGGY & FROGILINA! A beloved story character we've been reading about this month...

Pizza Oven-first time we get to use it in class full-time! I bought it at an attic sale that our Children's Museum was having, which was over a year ago. $5 I don't regret spending-SUPER cute! The kids will love it.


Another gem from the Children's Museum attic sale. $10-can't beat that price. Looks real & makes for a cozy feel in the room :) 

Our Weekly schedule-Handwriting Without Tears, Art Project/Book Treasure, Umizoomi Math (a TOTAL hit!)

Letter of the Week-Houghton Mifflin Alphafriends

Still loving this purchase from my first year teaching. Was awesome with 2nd graders & is fab for Preschoolers too!

Student Portfolios...

Smarties for a Smarty....can't teach without em' lol-

These finally feel worth it! :)

Triangle crayons, Magic C bunny puppet & Brain Sprinkles....some of my favorite teaching tools!

Morning Entry Task ready to go...

Umizoomi math tubs! A fun way to work on Geometry, Spatial Awareness, Patterns & Number Sense. The kids are OVER THE MOON for it :)

Attendance/Classroom Behavior chart-though I am noticing that 2 students' cards are missing????
It has been a long time since I've felt like a "real" teacher with a "real" classroom-the cause of too many tears over the last few years. But now, my dream has come true. Someone pinch me!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gotta Do It

You know I can't be without a project around here-and now that the classroom is done (can I get a Whoot whoot!), I've put these cuties on my list:
Saw this on one of my favorite blogs the other day....FELL IN LOVE INSTANTLY! As soon as I find the old wood-I'm making it and slappin' it up on Bryce's bedroom wall. I sang this song to him every time he cried when he was a teeny baby....I miss those days-and this is project is PERFECT.

The bedding for our room finally got here, and I ordered this for the wall-it's also PERFECTION! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fun Stuff! Thanks!

Thanks for the cuppies of chockies Nana! (P.S. the black crud on their noses are leftover from painted on Clifford noses at Shannon's annual Valentine Party this morning)
Grandpa & Grammie sent this fun package of delights from their recent trip to Washington D.C. Emma especially loves the Native American flute from the Natural History Museum!
Bryce spotted the "food" in the box first, grabbed it in 1.2 seconds and RAN off with it-didn't even wait to see what else was in the box. He thought he grabbed the only treats-but sister found more in

Astronaut Ice Cream Sandwich & GIANT valentine chocolate-gotta have one in each hand. 

New "Pledge Allegiance" shirts (as they call them)

Emma has stared at these REAL Astronaut uniforms all night. I wonder what she is thinking??? Are we really sending her & brother to space like we threaten??? ha ha ha-who knows what goes on in that head of hers! How cute are these new dress ups!

The favorite in the box of souvenir treasures

He bounced around for a good 10 minutes straight playing the Native American drum twirly thing...
Thanks for thinking of us on your trip & for sending all the fun stuff!

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