Dad made a little bonfire on the patio, and helped Em & B roast marshmallows for "Martone" S'mores. We call these our MARTONE S'mores because we make them with Cadbury chocolate bars instead of Hershey's and they are D-I-V-I-N-E!!!! (Always a better choice to go with British chocolates instead of American-just sayin'
Mike would like me to make a note that he had to eat 75% of the finished product because the kids were NOT fans of the "sticky"-so they chowed down the chocolate bars & chippies instead! lol
(p.s.-puppies LOVE chocolate free s'mores!....oh and chippies too! lol)
Bryce made it until around 9pm and then just wanted his own bed: so tip #1 for real camping=take his Pack & Play!Jiffy Pop is ALWAYS a must....the kids were in AMAZED with the mushroom that became popcorn inside! Mike is the MASTER at Jiffy Pop. :)
Brinkley was SO rediculously sad as she sat on the outside of the tent and tried to snuggle with Mike who was inside.
Emma was out like a light the instant she was sandwiched between Mike & I on the camping mattress in the tent.
Of course like in true camping style-we all woke up bright and early-not really knowing what time it was, but the "sundial" said it was morning (indoor clock said it was 6am! BOOOOOO). A rainy one at that too!
Needless to say we are TUCKERED OUT-but it was a great family night that we will definitely do again.
LOVE the pirate pj's! Poor Brinkley, did she ever get inside the tent? Looks like you all had a great time.