Thursday, January 7, 2010


Brinkley now loves me more than Mike-with this last act, I am convinced! Ha ha ha! That's what he gets for her whole "foot" thing. She is recovering really well, but likes to nap a lot-I think she's a little depressed. Poor thing. Today I went in my bedroom for something and found her like this:

She has pulled my shirt and sweater up on the bed and put them on my pillow, then she cozied in for a nap....she used to do this all the time as a puppy-but it was with Mike's clothes....he USED to be her favorite....MOVE ON OVER BUDDY-I'm the new #1~ She and I have spent a lot of time together, unwrapping and redressing her wound-apparently that was bonding 101 for Brinks and I and I LOVE it! :)


  1. So Sweet! I have been really worried about Izzy because she has been really depressed. I finally took her in a demanded her thyroid be tested and guess what...she had thyroid disease BAD!! She is now on Rx and already is doing much better. If Brink is acting off maybe she should be tested???

  2. We took her in to get her stitches out and they asked if she's been acting normal-we told them about her seeming depressed and they said it's normal because she is used to running around and jumping, etc. and she's barely been able to walk lately.
    She's becoming more active each day and has even started "talking" (barking) to us again. :)
    Poor Izzy-that is crazy!

  3. I think Izzy's going to be much better now...if she Gabby and Danni survive me and your dad being gone all week! I'm leaving them home with Ashley and Meghan to take care of them for the first time EVER! PRAY FOR MY BABIES!!! I feel like the worst dog-mom in the world.


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