Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Kids FIRST Slumber Party!!!

Em & Bryce invited their friends Marissa and Ayden over for a slumber party last night-a first for all kids involved! The plan was to pick the kids up at 5pm and take them straight to the movies to see...Yep. The Princess & The Frog! The bummer was it wasn't playing at the theater as of that morning! we quickly came up with a plan B of creating our own theater-because the excitement is all about not being at "home".

So while I picked up the kids, Mike took our popcorn machine over to his classroom, pushed aside the desks and placed his "theater chairs" in the center of the room, and put a rented Redbox movie in the computer/projector-VIOLA! Instant personal theater-and the showing was "The Emperor's New Groove"!
Meanwhile the kids and I checked out the Dollar Store for some movie treats and then headed to meet Mike at McDonald's for an ever so nutritious chicken nugget & fries dinner, but hey-it's a kid favorite!
Dinner and the movie were a hit-the kids loved that they had their "own" theater, and after the show was over-Mike played some YouTube Princess & Frog clips on the big screen for them-they were over the moon! I think Ayden liked the YouTube Frog/Alligator clips better than anything we did that night! His little laugh was hillarious!
We went home, got in jammies (the boys both wore Woody jams-which they thought was SO cool!lol), snuggled in their sleeping bags with stuffed animals on the couch, and started watching Happily NEVER After (an odd movie we rented-but whatever-the kids liked it). All kids were zonked by 10pm-woo-hoo! They woke up this morning at 8:30am ready for making Chocolate Chip pancakes.
They danced and danced around the dining room until breakfast was ready-scarfed it down and threw on their snow gear to shoot out the door for sledding before it was time to go home!
It was a blast-everyone was so well behaved too. We'll have to do it again sometime.

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