Sunday, November 8, 2009

Saturday Morning Scones and Family Photo Shoot!

Being a full time mom and working from home-I am sad to say I do NOT have time to make my family a hot breakfast every morning, so I try to make Saturday morning breakfasts "something" out of the norm! Mike likes sausage with pretty much everything and so does Bryce-Em and I are bacon lovers. Typically EmmaLee is my soux chef. She knows how to measure, count & mix and really enjoys learning new vocabulary for things-so even though it takes me a little longer to complete the task of breakfast, it is great mom & me time for us-and I LOVE it! She's an expert pancake maker, and this week she made yummy scones with Grandma Chris' raspberry jam inside! Yum! All I can say is I LOVE LOVE LOVE my food processor! Talk about dough in 3.2 seconds flat! Craziness! Bryce was making us all laugh because he was being very particular this morning-he HAD to have a Spiderman & Friends cup, and he HAD to have Hulk stand on one side and Spiderman on his other side-only THEN was he ready to take a bite of his food. Such a funny little man with a personality all of his own.

After breakfast we headed out to Olmstead Historical Farm for our first family photo shoot! We've never had pictures taken of our family-so we are pretty excited to get the proofs back later this week! We've been saving up for a while because I knew what I was looking for would be pricey. After looking at numerous photographers-I was recommended to Hailey Gress-a local photographer here in town. Prices for outdoor family shoots were ranging from $175-$250 without a CD and rights to your images....I wasn't surprised but still....ick! I am pleased to say that Hailey's work on her website was BEAUTIFUL and her prices came in at $85 total! CD & all! Yay-you know me-I LOVE when I can find a deal somewhere! Keep your fingers crossed that it all turns out. :)

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