Glad to have the day off due to the holiday, I headed out with the kids this morning to run a few errands. 30 seconds after getting in the car, I realized that we were catching the tail end of the Veteran's Day parade here in town. There were military personel everywhere and a 24 hour vigil taking place on the lawn in front of the college-it was a really beautiful site. It's hard to explain, but seeing that many soldiers around town gave me mixed emotions.
Seeing all this-I felt:
- ashamed-that I took the holiday for granted, so much that I had NO CLUE about taking my kids to a parade to show their respect for our men & women in uniform
- safe-because it was a visual confirmation that there are hundreds of these selfless human beings across the nation ready to protect & defend at all cost
- PROUD....really proud. I did not know ANY of the men & women I saw today, but I know that I am grateful for everything they do for our country. I know this because I know how hard my dad & Mike's dad have worked for our freedom (my dad serving in the middle east at various times and Mike's dad flying planes in Vietnam)
Back when I was a kid, my dad had recently returned from another tour overseas to Saudi Arabia or some such place. Soon after being home, he framed a newspaper photograph and hung it on a wall in our house. This picture is very clear in my mind today-just as it was back then and is at various times throughout the year-it was a picture of an Iraqi or Afghan man clenching the american flag & kissing it-with tears streaming down his this day-words can't express the things that picture portrays.
In a day in age where schools no longer require a routine pledge of allegiance to start the morning-I vowed that my preschoolers would recite it everyday in honor of our military heroes. They are only 3 and 4 years old but by golly-when the Pledge of Allegiance song comes on by Lee Greenwood-they stand completely still with their little hands on their hearts-looking at the flag and show their respect in their own way....through reverence for 4 whole minutes EVERY DAY-and you know what....they actually love it! They know it is their way of saying "thank you" to the people who have died for them, enabling them at 3 and 4-to have the freedom to make their own choices in our country. At these young ages, being able to make a choice for themselves is a HUGE deal....a great privilege. Part of the song they sing during our flag salute says:
The pledge to the flag, is a pledge to the ideals of our Forefathers,
The men who fought and died, for the building of this great nation.
It is a pledge to fullfill our duties and obligations as citizens of the Untied States.
And to uphold the principals of our constitution.
And last but not least, it is a pledge to maintain the four great Freedoms cherished by all Americans:
Beautiful Kristi, just beautiful.