Monday, August 13, 2012

Pac Beach 2012

I saw this idea on pinterest-though it didn't have directions, I figured it couldnt be too hard. So 8 pillows , some ribbon and a twin sheet set later.....

 Viola! Instant kiddie sleepover mattress! Just in time to take with us to Pac Beach!
After a long 4 hours we finally arrived.
Adventures in House #310 

Grandma made these cool salads in mason jars. Refreshing after a long drive. 
The kids enjoyed messing around on Grandmas Nook.
 There were Ipad movies & Muddy Buddy snacks that night.
The next day....
Adventures in House #306

 Kidlet Activity 1: Grandma & Aunt Marcy made awesome homemade bubbles!

 Kidlet Activity 2: Sidewalk Pictures

A little downtime for some schoolbooks-bummer living with teachers in the summer huh? :) Em & B BEG to do their books though-they actually love it. Weirdos. lol

luckily the cousins had to do school work too!

 Kidlet Activity 3: Playdoh 

 Grandma got each of the kids these sticky spider things. They had a great time throwing them at the walls & ceiling and watching them crawl down or drop in their laps!

 The girls with their new Skippy Jon Jones toys

Dadda grillin' up some dinner-RIGHT before we head to house #3. ha ha ha

Adventures in House #329
Kidlet Activity 4: Pasta Bead Necklaces

 While the girls beaded the afternoon away, Bryce got to spend some quality time with Uncle John & Douglas up at the arcade room! Can we say HOG HEAVEN??? ;)
 A quick walk back home for some dinner....
 Kidlet Activity 5: Melty Beads. Emma LOVES these & could do them all day.

I'm thinking this was Maddy's first experience with an iron. It took a lot of coaxing to get her to do a "dangerous thing" as she was telling me. Poor thing was terrified. 
 Bryce on the other hand-he was all about the "dangerous" activity. YIKES????

Down on the Seashore...

Weird kid. :) We love him anyways.

These 2 boys spent a lot of time walking through the sand exploring. Bryce LOVES hanging out with Douglas!

Fun with Various Recreational Activities at Pac Beach

Grandma got the girls these sparkly pink Sea Turtles...

Bryce's first time. He did GREAT & LOOOOOOVED it!

Bryce got a fun dinosaur egg filled with little dinosaurs from Grandma.

Kidlet Activity 6: "Glow in the Dark" GAK
however, the kids didn't add enough Glow paint so it didn't exactly glow :/

 Even though it never glowed, they played with it numerous times. I think Maddy enjoyed the texture the most.

 A little movie time & some dancing to "Footloose" while the big boys all watched the Seahawks game up at the theater room. I'm sure they are sad to have missed the dancing.

 Kidlet Activity 7: Homemade Beach Moonsand

 On the last day we discovered the REC ROOM and!

 EmmaLee discovered a wii game she actually likes. Disney Family Sing It!
 Even Grandma got in on the action!
 Kidlet Activity 8: Lava Discovery Bottles

Another year of memories down in the books! Thanks for a weekend away from home Grandma & Papa.

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