Friday, October 22, 2010


The countdown has begun.....6 days left!
I had to hang the kids goodie bags from the curtain rod because we KNOW they'll get into them if I don't :)  Previous lessons learned!
Just your typical countdown chain, but the Mickey bag at the top is the prize for the last day. I filled the bag will all sorts of halloween goodies, a coloring book & new crayons-you know, things to keep them occupied on the plane ride! Here's hopin' it works! My mom used to pack us kids "gift packs" to keep us occupied on the long car rides to Utah back in the day, so I figured I'd give it a try too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristi,

    I was introduced to your blog by your sis-in-law Marcy Tell, We have been friends for a while and we have kids in school together and live in the same neighborhood. I have always been in AWE of Marcy’s talent. I LOVE your BLOG! You also have an Awesome talent and What great ideas you have! Thanks for sharing. You have inspired me to have an Out of This world Halloween Party. Marcy and I are working on it together; we are planning activities for about 17 kids mostly 1st and 2nd graders

    BTW: So jealous that you are going to Mickey’s not so scary Halloween, we went last year. It’s always so much fun and I love to see all the Disney decorations. Have a great time!

    Thanks again for sharing!
