Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Read It Again Momma!

My mom found this book at the store one day and HAD to send a copy to EmmaLee. The book is called "Cinderella is my Best Friend"! So you can only imagine Em's excitement-she LOVE LOVE LOVES to get mail AND what little girl isn't obsessed with Disney Princesses at some point in their life? This was a double whammy! So we sat on my bed and I started reading it to her-two sentences into it I came across a passage that said "Emma was so excited to get to meet Cinderella, she knew they would be the greatest friends...." A loud gasp came from the little person next to me and her eyes were as big as quarters! "Let me see Mom!" she said, so I showed her where it said EMMA in the book-she was in complete and utter shock and grinning from ear to ear. "Wait-hang on a minute-ok Mom?" she said as she ran out of the room...
about 2 minutes later there she was hopping back in bed with me in FULL CINDERELLA GEAR! We are talking tiara, big poofy dress, necklaces AND plastic glass slippers....IN BED! She was so excited and told me "Seeeeeee???? It's my bibbity bobbity! Like the story! Read it again Mom-read it again!" She hung onto my arm like this was the thrill of her life....needless to say, she's slept with the book every night since-it was a hit Nana! Good pickins!

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