Wow! Where do I begin? It is so nice to finally get a chance to sit down to my online journal and WRITE for a chance. Things have been over-the-top INSANE around here. Almost unbelieveable-I've been waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out of the hall & let me know this ISN'T my real life and that I've in fact been Punk'd. ha ha.
A week or so before Thanksgiving I got a call from Dr. Salyer up at CWU. He was one of my Prof's back in college....almost 10 years ago-and is the head of the CWU Early Childhood Department. He said they were looking for dynamic instructors to break the mold that was going on at CWU's TEACH department. They want "new/fresh/relevant". Shannon gave him my number & suggested he give me a call. With that, he asked me to please consider the opportunity & apply online. On a whim, I did. Mike has been teaching night classes up there for years, and so I knew what it basically entailed. Hours later-LITERALLY-I got a call setting up an interview time! ha ha. I had NO CLUE what they were going to ask me, and I was SUPER nervous considering the RINGER I had been through with my School District Interview this summer. I packed up as many "portfolio" examples as I could think of, dropped the kids at the Webers to play, and then walked up the University Mall to Black Hall. Walking into the Ed building, all my nerves disappeared & became almost like a warm blanket comforting me. I was so comfortable in this building and had practically lived there for 4 years of my life between my BA and MA. Plus Dr. Salyer and I have a great relationship so I didn't have a lot to be nervous about-he knew what I was capable of-he had seen it first hand. Why would he call if he didn't know what he was getting into? Long story short, we gabbed about how big the kids are, talked about Dean of Students opportunities for Mike *Dr. Salyer is on the Thorp School Board also*, and then they asked me similar questions to the ones I was asked at the School District.
1. Philosophy of Education
2. Professional Goals
3. Differentiated Instruction
Blah, Blah, Blah. I answered and used the examples I brought to help the interview panel connect better with my answers. They were in awe. Not gonna lie-that felt good :) When I was said & done, I walked out of the room not knowing what the outcome would be, but proud of the direction that the interview went. I HATE INTERVIEWS! lol
That night, Dr. Salyer called and said "without a doubt, I was their first choice to teach their ECE classes. The rest of the year I have been assigned to teach on Monday nights for a 3 hour block-Manipulatives and Materials in Early Childhood (Grades PreK-3rd). I was SOOOOOO excited! Finally another way to bring in money.
Preschool tuition income is so up in the air-it changes constantly-which is SUPPPPPPEEERRRR stressful. It is by far, the most labor intensive & time demanding job I've ever had. Part of that is the business owner side. Ugh. I've been subbing a lot-basically whenever I've been requested-in order to help make ends meet too, but only when my days at preschool allow it. Some days at PreK are MUCH more intense than others.
Of course, just because I was hired for this new University job, didn't mean it was all peaches from there on out. I was hired and that was the LAST I heard from anyone in the department! NOT KIDDING! I am so grateful that I attended school there or I wouldn't know my way around, wouldn't know who to ask questions of, how to order textbooks, or where to even get a key! I was so glad that the job didn't start until January. There were many days I spent with a pain in my chest because I was so stressed about how to write a syllabus and what to include in it....what state standards were supposed to be met from this course, what was the grading scale going to be, what assignments should I make required.....hang on-WHAT WAS I GOING TO TEACH!!!???? There was no set curriculum. THAT is why they hired ME! I was supposed to desgin it from scratch. The department didn't like the way it was being taught in the past-so in comes me. Holy smokes. The weight of that job description finally hit me. And I cried. Luckily Shannon came to my aid and gave me an example of one of her syllabi for me to use as a guide. It helped IMMENSELY. I took the weekend and made an outline of my ideas and am praying every week that I give these pre-service teachers the tools they need-REALISTIC tools, in order to succeed in the Education field. Gah!
So now I had 3 jobs:
1. Preschool T-TH
2. Subbing multiple days a week (which meant I got someone to sub for me- I still had to prep everything & lay it all out-everything but teach the dang class) and THEN go teach for someone else.
3. CWU-Monday nights.
(oh and let's not forget job #4 & 5. MOM/WIFE)
Laurel & Todd took me out to dinner to celebrate.
If this wasn't enough, around this same time, I was approached by Shannon's Parapro-my friend Kim. She claimed that various teachers there at Valley View were "afraid of losing me to Morgan Middle School" (where I had been subbing A LOT!) Weird. I don't even work in the district. Even still, that was an honor to hear. She said, that at lunch for months now, the teachers had been collaboratively trying to think of a way to get me in the building to teach more permanently. This was TOTALLY news to me. "Just something to think about" she said.
Then a couple weeks went by and an email came across my desk from EmmaLee's 1st grade teacher. She said the same thing Kim did! However, there was an added piece. She said that the 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade teachers had a meeting with the principal and he agreed to hire someone for a part time LAP position. There had been recent funding allotted and they wanted ME to fill it. They were very clear to him that it was ME they were requesting. "The position would be in the mornings M-F, and we realize that is when you teach preschool....don't say no yet, just think about it. Rob hasn't posted the job yet, so you have time".
Seriously-I got a good chuckle out of the email. It wasn't possible for me to even apply for this job. We are 50% of the way through the school year & I can not just drop my PreK families at this point in the game. I responded & let her know I was honored and that I'd think about it (not really though), and I went on with life.
A month later...
I had been bugged and bugged by numerous teacher friends while volunteering at the kids school. Did I turn in a letter of intent yet???? Ummmm-NO! I finally reached a point where I took it in on the day the job closed, and said "whatever". The odd part was, as I handed in my paperwork to Amy in HR, she already had my file pulled and spread out on her desk. Just my file. No one elses. I hadn't even APPLIED for anything yet! I handed her my letter and said to let me know if I needed anything else. She said "this is for the Full Time position at Lincoln Elementary right?" I basically said "HECK NO! (I loathe that building). She was shocked and said, oh-reading the paper, .5 at Valley View! Ok????" I smiled and said THANKS!
Two days later, on the Thursday before Christmas break, I received a call from the kids' principal, asking if I would come in to be interviewed for the new .5 LAP position that they had in the building. I hesitated and nervously told him that the day/time they had picked out was the same time I was supposed to be in Seattle picking my sister up at the airport. He said that he would talk with the teachers and see what they could do. I didn't expect that. They COMPLETELY accommodated me and so I felt like I needed to accept the offer to be interviewed-I had NO IDEA what I was going to do if heaven forbid, anything came of this interview. I would be HOSED! Ohhhhh my......
I went that Thursday and was again, very comfortable. Emma's teacher hugged me and said "I hear you have a MEETING today! I have that same meeting! Wink Wink". That was comforting. So I knew at least 2 people on the panel-the principal and Tammy. Then a 2nd grade teacher-who also wrote me a new letter of rec, walked up to me and said "No worries about the interview. Just friendly familiar faces....if you catch my drift. Again "wink wink". Ok. Now I know HALF the panel! Sweet! lol. It went OK, but it was definitely NOT my best interview, so I had no notions about what the outcome would be. I got in my car to head to the babysitter for E & B, and my phone rang. It was the kids' prinicpal. "WELCOME TO THE VALLEY VIEW TEAM!" He said. Huh? It took me a second to grasp the words. When I came to, I was super excited and could have thrown up at the same time. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW!???? YIKES! I told him Thank You very much & he let me know how excited they were to have me. A few more details about HR stuff and the convo was done.
The very next day was the last day of school before break. Dropping the kids off that morning I was overwhelmed with warm fuzzies. The principal always stands outside the building and welcomes each student with a handshake as they enter the building. He made sure to say "Welcome Mrs. Martone! We are glad to have you aboard!". That was nice. I walked inside and welcomes were pouring out from every direction! It felt like I was in a movie and I was the movie star! I almost cried. Teachers, office staff, the counselor, the nurse, parents of students.....everyone saying WELCOME TO THE TEAM! I'm sure my face was read, but I graciously said THANKS. Then I dropped each kid down to their rooms. Teachers LITERALLY came out of their rooms and flocked to me in the pod with congratulations, hugs & excitement to have me there. I was just in "Mom mode" with my sweatshirt, jeans & Uggs. The love and support was overwhelming. I am SOOOOOOOO grateful. Just confirmation that our kids are in the best elementary school in the district!
I quickly typed up an email to my preschool families and let them know what had happened. A position had literally been created for me-it wasn't something I had been seeking out. They had the choice to pull their kids from the Stepping Stones Kinderprep program or we could move classes to the afternoon. Every last one of my families said-in their own way-they didn't want to lose me & would rearrange their schedules to accommodate afternoon classes! OH MY GOODNESS!
So now I had 4 jobs:
1. CWU
2. Subbing (still-just only in the afternoons now, since I have a contract for the mornings)
3. Valley View LAP (which I've come to find is more like 3 jobs in itself!)
4. Preschool
(5 & 6 Mom/Wife)
The same open arms welcome happened at my first staff meeting -where I got a standing ovation & hugs....and when I was formally introduced to the school board. The assistant superintendent gave a side speech about me and how he was so glad that I hadn't taken a job in another district yet. He was very much hoping to find a place for me in Ellensburg. Then my principal got up and introduced me. It was the most BEAUTIFUL and articulate intro I have EVER had. He talked about-"How they have been lucky enough to have me in their building for years as a volunteer, a sub and a parent. When teachers need a sub, it is Kristi they call first because they don't have to worry about anything when leaving a classroom in her care. As a principal, that makes my job easier too. When this open position came to my attention, my office and email was bombarded by my staff. Kristi's name was the only one I heard over and over. She is well respected by her colleagues as well as the students. She has an easy way of connecting with them and a firm, yet kind manner in which they are redirected when necessary. The students feel safe with her. We feel very blessed that Kristi has accepted to join our family at Valley View. She has two great kids in our building. A first grader and a kindergartener. We just couldn't be happier".
Ummmmm Holy MOSES! I had to get up and talk to the board at that point!? I was teary! Great. lol What an amazing way to be honored in front of the school board as a new employee!
I got up and talked for a bit to the stoic, stone faced line of people called the "school board". NOT EASY. I have never been so nervous in my LIFE! Shannon was sitting in the audience to support me-Mike was teaching at CWU that night. All of a sudden, words just started coming out my mouth. It was weird. Next thing I knew, the school board was chuckling. The president spoke up and said "Wait a second. Kristi Martone??? Didn't I hear your name come up a few times at our last PreK-3 curruculum alignment meeting down at the ESD last week?"
"I don't know. Did you?" I said. lol He told the board, "we absolutly need to keep this one in our district. And by the sounds of it with ONE full time job instead of 5 part time ones! I'm keeping your name in the forefront of my mind" he said. WOWZERS. What did I do to deserve all this??? I have been praying for a better/more stable teaching opportunity for A LOOOOOOONNNNNG time now, but oooops. Apparently I forgot to tell Heavenly Father "ENOUGH! GAH!!!!" ha ha.
The newspaper was there and they put a little piece in the paper the next day about it:
School district expands learning program - Members - Daily Record | Mobile
I started all of my jobs in full swing 2 weeks ago. I haven't had a moment to breathe and I am seriously OVERWHELMED. I often find myself saying "Just make it the next 6 months, only 6 more months. You can ROCK IT for 6 more months!" I can NOT fail at any of these jobs. So much is riding on it and SO MANY people are counting on me to give it my all. That was made VERY clear. lol. So-please add me to your prayers. I am basically prepping for 7 teaching jobs each week. From PreK, 1st ,2nd, 3rd to College students. I am VERY VERY blessed. But there really aren't enough hours in a day. I cry A LOT. Then I pull on my big girl panties and trudge on. There have been nights where I have sat at the computer creating curriculum for 6 hours solid. Making dinner in between & then being asked by sweet little voices "please read me a bedtime story Momma" from behind my computer chair. My fingers are typing at crazy speeds and I can barely imput in my brain what is being asked of me. While I clearly need to say, Sorry, I have too much going on-my heart starts to break a little and causes my fingers to freeze-no longer able to type. I promised myself that with this horendous amount of jobs, my family WILL NOT feel the wrath of it. So each night, I have to consciously tell myself "they are only little once, you won't get this moment back" and I go in & snuggle my babies in with a great book. My heart is full-and my head is going to EXPLODE! lol. Bear with me. June is going to be my saving grace. I can't WAIT to go home to California and lay on the beach, watch the kids at swim lessons & just NOT have a TO DO list!!!!
Oh-and did I mention, the superintendent has asked me to join the PreK curriculum alignment team since then (a volunteer position at the ESD) and I forgot to throw in the facilitating of a new READY for K program that our district is piloting. A few months back the assistant superintendent asked Shannon & I to spearhead it. We accepted before I knew everything else that was coming down the pike! So let's just add that to the list too! ;) Like I said-Pray for me. And if you see my kids looking like rag-a-muffins....it means I need an intervention!!!!!!