"There is no one perfect way to be a good mother....Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children....What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above all else."
-Elder M. Russell Ballard
You know-sometimes you need a little reassurance that you are doing an ok job with this whole "mom" thing :) I am grateful to have parents & a husband to be that support system in my life. I realize that not everyone does though. I am blessed with parents that share those uplifting feelings with me (and with Mike as well-my parents have told him many times, sent him cards or emails, etc. expressing their gratitude for the kind of Dad he is to our munchkins-and he really IS!)
When I have my struggles with parenting and feel like my brain is fried-I know I can pick up the phone and share my concerns &/or heartache with my mom & she gets it. She doesn't judge me or my parenting-she doesn't make me feel like SHE could or DID do it better. Most importantly, she doesn't judge my kids! No labels or stigmas. Sometimes she just asks me "will the battle be worth it?" She knows my babies so well, and has tips I can try that match their personalities-being aware that what works for one, doesn't always work for the other. And thankfully-more often than not her ideas work. YAY!
Kathleen and Dad are just as supportive-sharing their confidence in our parenting efforts. And just that reassurance-like a pat on the back from time to time, is all you need to push your shoulder to the wheel and carry on! ;) Thank you guys.
I am NOT the perfect Mom-nor do I claim to be. I'm just me. What you see is what you get. But I do want my kids growing up knowing that I had their best interest at heart & that I love them BOTH more than they could ever fathom. There are many nights, when all is calm and kids are in bed sleeping soundly, that I find myself thinking about them in the next room. Then come the tears-just thinking how grateful I am for those little love bugs-it's overwhelming I guess....my cup runneth over ;)