I made these little cornucopias before we left on Weds night...Mike mocked me as I made them & said no one will care, but I wanted to do it for the kids. He was right of course. Oh well.
Bryce & Em ate bag after bag of chippies...wonder where they get that habit? ahem-Mike?
The moment Em had been waiting for...the cousins arrived!
Oddly enough-Maddy played with Em's dolls more than Em did. Weird.
Bryce snacking on his 2nd favorite finger food-"OLVINS"
I bought fun new Thanksgiving plates for Em & B, and (as usual) they brought their hats they made at school.
What's Turkey Day without a little loungin'?
I thought this bag of Mike's own Chex Mix-name on the bag & all was hilarious, and thus picture worthy....
Each family got a new Snowman kit made by Grandma-so cute.
What's for dinner?
Since my kids had hats they were bringing, we brought a couple for Maddy & Doug so they didn't feel left out-Doug hated it. Typical 3rd grader. lol
Thanks for the bad pict Mike. It's the only one so what do ya do?
Everyone played Pin the Wattle on the Turkey (or sometimes on Steph! :) After Maddy went & placed the wattle perfectly, she was asked if she could see and her response was an excited "YES!" :) ha ha ha-at least she's honest.?
The other kids didn't come close to Maddy's perfect score! ;)
Even the "big kids"...
and Papa
A little Thanksgiving Bingo
with prizes!
Bryce was super excited-he has a love of PEZ dispensers.
A little reminiscing about memories past....
And some crafting-rick rack rosebuds...
cute huh?
Bryce & Em got this new cars playmat.
And as I promised Em-she was able to try on my "Princess wedding dress".
She is still talking about it :)
After a long trip home-we had lots of unpacking to do. Em was more than eager to help. She took out all her brothers & her clothes & I came in to see this....someone is raisin' her right-I don't care what anyone says :)